Windows and Android based Video + PDF Encryption and DRM Protection Software for Institutes, Individual Teachers and Content Producers - best for Startups - INR Rs. 20 ($0.25) per license. Our Android App doesn't run in emulators like bluestacks, nox, etc., - so your content is VERY SECURE against screen capturing.

We are supplying this software since 2010. We are the ONLY supplier that provides digitally signed and certified installers through the Microsoft Store. Your content is encrypted through a bit-level algorithm based on one-time-pad cryptography [please google] that cannot be cracked as opposed to AES, RSA, DES algorithms that are prone to brute force attacks known to almost every engineering student. Encryption, Decryption and Rendering is through ISO C++ 14 and the front-end is WPF DOTNET based.

(Copy and screen capture protection DRM software)


Don't have time to read all this? FULLY FUNCTIONAL DEMO IS FREE - fill the form

It is compulsory to fill this enquirer form for obtaining a demo of the software. We need to verify your genuineness as a content producer. Only genuine buyers please contact:

since 2010: our OLD Youtube Video
Prices are fixed and transparently declared on this website for all customers big or small.
Page last updated: Feb 25, 2025
(write to us for EU's GDPR (or equivalent legislation in Switzerland and UK) compatibility)

Table of Contents


Who can use it?

  1. Chartered Accoutants providing pendrive courses for CA/CS/CMA exams
  2. Teachers providing video classes for commerce, medical and non-medical subjects.
  3. Those providing video courses for engineering students.
  4. Coaching institutes and teachers for IIT-JEE entrance exam.
  5. Coaching institutes and teachers for Medical MBBS/MD entrance exams.
  6. Coaching institutes for Bank exams and for IAS, UPSC exams.
  7. Institutes for IELTS classes.
  8. Computer training institutes.
  9. Trainers for 3D, Photoshop coaching classes.
  10. Coaching institutes in all countries like Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Canada, Brazil, Italy, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, South Korea, etc.,

How it Works

These are the steps, roughly speaking:

  1. MP4/PDF/MCQ files of your course are each respectively encrypted to files of a secret format. Encryption is done by YOU YOURSELF with a unique encryption formula specific to you. YOUR ORIGINAL CONTENT STAYS WITH YOU.
  2. We provide you a player. This player contains your company name, phone, website links, about us links and also the unique decryption formula. So this is the only player that can play the files encrypted in Step 1 above. But before playing, it will ask your student for valid credentials.
  3. He approaches you, and you YOURSELF create a license or a login [through a software interface provided by us]. This helps you limit the number of plays, hours of plays, etc.,
  4. Student will need a license for each computer or phone on which he wishes to play your content.
  5. Hence, even if he gives your encrypted files to his friends, they will be of no use to them unless they ask a license from you.
  6. How to distribute files? Send them by DVD, USB Pen drive, or by downloads from google drive, or by downloads from your website. The purpose is to make the files available to your customer. Once he has the files, he can play offline, without internet, without buffering.

Pricing in Nutshell

This is a brief synopsis of our pricing plans:

How to Create a License for your Customer

Watch this YOUTUBE video to understand how you will be creating a license for your customer:

How to Encrypt your Content

Watch this YOUTUBE video to understand how you will be encrypting your videos and pdf files:

FAQs Frequently asked Questions

QUESTION 1 of 15: Why is the cost so low?

ANSWER: We are providing this service since more than 10 years. We have a good customer base that helps us lower the price. Pricing details are given after these FAQs.

QUESTION 2 of 15: Is my content protected against screen capture?

ANSWER: Yes. Your videos cannot be recorded by screen capture software, nor can screen shots of pdf files be taken. The protection works by killing any suspicious programs. Moreover, if a screen capture is attempted, a black screen appears. But do remember that it is very difficult to predict what a determined hacker can do.

QUESTION 3 of 15: What if a determined hacker succeeds?

ANSWER: Phone number and/or email id and/or receipt number or you can even set home address and/or social id number of your customer to keep popping up after 15/30 seconds at random places. It acts as a good deterrent because his/her own email, contact id, name, phone etc., will be there on the video.

QUESTION 4 of 15: Can the content be played on more than one computer or phone?

ANSWER: No. Your customer can watch the content only from the computer or phone for which he has been authorized by you.

QUESTION 5 of 15: Can the content be "copied" and given to friends?

ANSWER: NO! Because the content is encrypted. Only those of your customers can play who have obtained a valid license from you, and bound to their particular computer or phone. Even if they "copy" and give files to others, they will be on no use to them. For details see the "How it Works" section above.

QUESTION 6 of 15: Can the license be migrated?

ANSWER: Your customer may need migration for various reasons. For example, he may want to view the content from his home computer instead of office. Another reason could be that he has changed to a new laptop. The answer is: YES, migration is possible, and his watch statistics will continue to aggregate from his new device. Of course, he will need to contact you for migration. YOU AND ONLY you can migrate his license to another computer or phone, and it will automatically detach from the previous computer or phone.

QUESTION 7 of 15: What if the customer formats his machine?

ANSWER: The licensing system identifies a computer on the basis of many hardware peripherals like hard-disk, network card, bios, and the like parameters, which do not change on formatting. On top of it, you always have the option of migration.

QUESTION 8 of 15: Does the customer need a license for each video, each time he plays?

ANSWER: All videos of a package open with just one license. The customer has to apply it once only, and for the first video of that package only. The computer or phone "remembers" it. The customer will be asked the license only when one of the parameters - watch duration, watch count, expiry date, or what ever expires.

QUESTION 9 of 15: My content is under preparation. What if I want to send more videos to my customer later? Will he need a license again?

ANSWER: NO, the newly sent videos will play as if they came with the first lot. EXAMPLE: Suppose you have sent 10 videos of the package P0001 to your customer today, and you license him for the next one year. If you send 10 more videos of the same package P0001 two months later, then these videos will play as if they came with the first lot. Your videos are bound by the package ID [P0001 in our example], and not by the date you create or package them.

QUESTION 10 of 15: Can the customer cheat by moving the system date backwards?

ANSWER: No. Tampering of the system in any way will corrupt the license, and your customer will have to come back to you for a new license.

QUESTION 11 of 15: Is it suitable for a "Pen Drive Course"

ANSWER: Yes! see the "How it Works" section below.

QUESTION 12 of 15: Internet requirements?

ANSWER: If you provide encrypted files through a pen drive or a download link, then there is NO question of streaming. Hence there is no need of internet during play. The user can watch the content offline.

QUESTION 13 of 15: What about streaming?

ANSWER: Yes! Your customer can stream content from any cloud storage available from Google, Microsoft, Amazon. But we will need a discussion with you so that we help you set the structure.

QUESTION 14 of 15: Is the streamed content protected, too?

ANSWER: Yes! it is protected by the same engine, and in the same way. Probably, this sets us unique from what others offer.

QUESTION 15 of 15: Is IOS, MAC supported?

ANSWER: No. It won't be supported in future either.

Features at a Glance

  1. Screen capture protection. Anti-screen recording.
  2. Video copy protection.
  3. File transfer protection.
  4. PC/Phone Binding.
  5. User phone or email pops up at random places during play. This creates a natural fear in the mind of the user.
  6. Suspend/ blacklist a user any time, even after giving him license.
  7. VM Protection. Prevent player from running inside virtual machines.
  8. Prevent projector, double monitors. Prevent user from playing content if HDMI cable, or second monitor is connected.
  9. Prevent other windows from opening during play.
  10. Quota for all devices of a user aggregated at a single place. View count/minutes are not lost.
  11. Get watch statistics of users. Which video played on which day, and how many minutes watched.
  12. Detect a user trying to steal your videos through NULL hits tracker

  13. Detect if a user has really formatted PC or changed phone
  14. File extension of your choice, your player name, company name
  15. Links to your own website and home page
  16. Single click encryption
  17. Same set of encrypted files play on both Windows and Android.
  18. Free video converter to remove bad frames, and clean the video before encryption.
  19. Show your own ads and flash messages. Specify campaigns with start and end dates, and impressions.
  20. Stream your content from cloud storage. Hundreds of cloud vendors including Google, Amazon, Microsoft supported.

Screenshot of the video player

The player main window:

Player UI in your Language

This is a screenshot of multi-cultural language support. We can customize the player for the language of your choice:

Pack PDF with the Video

This is a screenshot of PDF packed with the video. The user can switch to the PDF contained with the video:

How the PDF file appears

This is a screenshot of how the user can switch back to the video. The user can switch back to the the video:

How your own Ads and Announcments appear

This is a screenshot of how the user will see the player in full screen and with your announcements and ads flashed:

Pricing and Payment

this licensing mechanism helps you to easily manage a large and growing customer base.
  1. Annual recurring charge of INR Rs. 4200 (USD $70) gives you 200 licenses. Every additional license is charged at INR 20 Rs. (25-cents or $0.25).
  2. Free updates. Our software are bug-free and very stable and matured over the years.
  3. Full support 24x7x365 year-round support is available from our side, but you have to deal yourself with your customers for installation and operations.
  4. Encrypt UNLIMITED number of videos/files and generate UNLIMITED number of customer licenses. Use the software on UNLIMITED number of your computers.
  5. Prices are fixed, non-negotiable. No discount.
  6. Buyers from India will have to pay online through PayU. Others through PayPal.
  7. We have no suppliers or distributors, or offices outside Punjab, India.

Customers like Kunal Sir have given an aggregate rating of 4 stars to this product. We have hundreds of customers, and thousands of end user computers using this product.

Fill the Enquirer Form

It is compulsory to fill this enquirer form for obtaining a demo of the software. We need to verify your genuineness as a hot buyer:

Online Testing Platform

Online testing platform also available: